Do you have a wedding coming up? Or maybe a long overdue family reunion party? Then you should get to work on booking the perfect venue!

As far as venues go, you might think that booking a big venue, like a large party hall, might be the way to go. But if you’re not expecting a very large number of guests, you would be better off booking a restaurant with small event spaces instead.

Let’s explore the many benefits of holding events at small event venues instead of larger venues.

The benefits of smaller event spaces at restaurants

Here are some of the main advantages of small event venues:

1. Costs

Small event venue spaces at restaurants may be relatively cheaper than large event venues. On average, a small event venue at a restaurant can cost about $1500 for 25 guests but the cost of a large event venue for the same number of guests could cost $3000-$4000.

Small event spaces at restaurants won’t need too much furniture or too many staff members to serve guests. Large venues normally have significantly higher rental prices than small restaurants; also, you may need to pay an additional fee for lighting and sound systems, which large venues may not come equipped with.

2. Logistics

Small event spaces are generally easier to set up. When the space is small, it’ll be much easier to coordinate the guest flow and order of activities, and guests can access amenities more easily. Also, when it comes to food, the restaurant staff can serve food more efficiently when the space is small.

Large venues can pose a logistical nightmare and they may not be worth it if you’re expecting a small guest list. Planning the layout for a large venue can be very time-consuming and large venues can be confusing for guests and waiting staff to navigate.

3. Ambiance

Unlike large venues, small event spaces in restaurants offer a more cozy and intimate setting. At a small venue, your guests can easily mingle with each other and enjoy their meals. This fact makes smaller event spaces perfect for weddings, family reunion parties, and other very personal celebrations.

Large event spaces, however, don’t always give the same kind of ambiance and intimacy that small event spaces do.

4. Acoustics

If you want to have music during your event, a small space will work better as they tend to have better acoustics than large venues. At large venues, due to wide open spaces, the sound quality may not be very good.

In a small space, audio can sound much better, especially to guests who are seated towards the edges of the event space, this is important if you plan on having a musical event.

How can I make an event in a small restaurant space more engaging?

Holding an event in a small space doesn’t have to be boring. Here’s how you can turn up the fun:

1. Incorporate Entertainment

Plan a small musical event, like karaoke or a live music performance. Also, you could consider setting up a photo booth for your guests to take pictures in. Make sure to ask the restaurant if they’re okay with you planning entertainment for the event and also see if they can supply audio-visual equipment.

2. Have a Sushi Party

Sushi is a popular dish but chances are that some of your guests may have not had a proper sushi experience yet. If the restaurant you’re holding the event in has a delectable sushi menu, try including it with whatever other menu you’ve chosen to treat your guests to an exotic culinary experience.

3. Arrange the Seating to Encourage Socializing

Socializing is a big part of any event, so try to arrange the seating in such a way that your guests will be encouraged to mingle. If you’re not sure about what kind of seating arrangement will work, try asking the restaurant for some ideas. In most cases, restaurants will have already arranged the seating in a way that makes it easy for your guests to get around and engage with each other.

What should I consider when booking a restaurant with a small event space?

When booking a restaurant with small spaces for events, you’ll need to consider the following factors:

1. Guest List

Small event venues in restaurants have limited capacity, so you’ll want to keep your guest list small. Speak to the restaurant and ask them how many people their restaurant’s event spaces can accommodate. Based on this information, think about how many people you want to invite.

Try to keep the number of people you invited just under the capacity of the event space. This way, you can have a reasonable number of guests while not making the event space feel crowded.

2. Parking Space

If most of your guests will be arriving by car, make sure that the restaurant you choose for the event has ample parking space. If it doesn’t have its own parking space, check if there is public parking available close by.

3. Flexibility

Check with the restaurant to see if they’re willing to make changes to their menu based on dietary requirements or when you want to create a unique restaurant menu. Also, check with the restaurant to see if they’re open to making changes to the decor to fit the type of event you’re going to be hosting or if they will allow you to bring your own decorations and beverages to add to the menu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find commonly asked questions from our customers:

1. Do restaurants assign waiting staff to their small event rooms?

Not all restaurants do this, so you may need to check with them before making reservations.

2. Can I play my own music in the restaurant’s event space?

This depends on the restaurant’s policies. Some restaurants may only allow their playlists to be played during the event while others will allow you to bring your own music. They may even let you rent their audio equipment.

3. Will the restaurant clean up after the event?

Most restaurants will clean up after the event but it’s still a good idea to speak to them about their terms and conditions of how things will be handled after the event. Some restaurants may require you to clean up any equipment that you brought in yourself.

Book a small event space at a restaurant – like Jabby Joe’s – today!

While holding an event in a small space might not look very glamorous, it’s cost-effective and might be the way to go for more intimate events. Large venues are great if your guest list is huge and you have something big, like a stage show, planned out, but for small get-togethers, nothing beats the feeling of a small, cozy event space.